The Master Plan – And Can I Stick To It?

Hopefully, as I am one of those gamers that can be pretty focused.

I started 25mm WFB about 10 months ago and that is the only thing I have been doing during that time.
Prior to that I was doing 10mm WFB and I did that exclusively for about 4 years, except for a brief foray in 25mm Mordheim.
So I am pretty good at not getting distracted by other games/scales/periods etc…

But what is the plan?

I am creating the village of Heiligsheld, this is a small village in eastern Stirland somewhere near the Sylvanian border.

The village is one of three that are looked after by Count Halven, a very brief overview is here:

I have already purchased all the models I need for the Imperial garrison, they just need painting.

The trickier bit is their enemies.
I want the campaign/project to be about the village, not about army A vs army B, and as such there could and should (?) be a variety of enemies.

I want to tell the story of the village and the various threats it faces, as such there should be Orcs, Undead and some Chaos. Maybe bandits and the like.

Samantha my wife likes Undead so they will be the main focus and theme of the story, handy with Sylvania being next door.
So the main baddies will be those, but also there will be others and this is the main cause of distraction.
I have a decentish collection of undead as befits the main baddies of the story, I have a few Orcs which have already made an appearance:

Game Report Linky


I am trying very hard not to get some chaos models for a Slaanesh warband...


BUT, the overall plan is to paint the Imperial garrison that I have, paint the undead I have and add a few to that, and model the village.
Given how long the Farmhouse took to make:

Farmhouse Linky

I suspect it could be a few years before the village is done though!

There will be small skirmishes with objectives that gradually build toward the final epic battle of the living vs the dead.

You may recognise the main protagonists:

Though I don’t want it to be just about the growing undead threat, there will be encounters with Witch Hunters, a story about when the Circus comes to town, Bounty Hunters turning up with prisoners in tow and trying to keep the captives from being busted free by his mates, festival days etc.

That is the plan anyway… 


  1. Sounds like a plan. In your shoes, I’d largely steer clear of chaos except for beastmen in the woods. If you must and Slaanesh is your thing, you could have village cultists secretly joining aligned beastmen for nocturnal bacchanalian shenanigans in the forest. Through in the odd mutant human to the mix and there’s an extra reason for the witch hunters to come calling.

    1. The Slaanesh would mostly be a few crappy mutants and a champion.

      I have a hankering to do the small story based on Geheimnisnacht Eve from the Felix and Gotrek stories.
      This would tie in with foresty shenanigans.

      Ooooh I even have Felix and Gotrek models, maybe I should get a move on with the Inn...

      Dang it.

  2. That seems a very sensible plan. Putting the focus on the village should allow much more narrative games.

    I'm still trying to plan my C17th ImagiNation stuff but I do like the idea of a place being the focus.

    1. Sensible?
      Why thank you.

      I thought a place would suit me best as:

      The buildings take an age to complete so make the best use of them once they are done.
      The place has been here hundreds of years and all being well it will be here for hundreds of years to come, this allows you have a very solid thing to focus on.
      Forces come and go, characters get killed off, bad dice can wipe out the main focus if a force is killed unexpectedly, but a place will endure.
      It will see all sorts of events from simple market days to invasions by the forces of chaos and everything in between.

      It will allow itch scratching, if I ever do give in and make a chaos warband then it can attack the village.
      Then it can be put away should I ever need it later.
      Should I want to make a band of travelling wanderers as a project, they can visit the village and then be on their way.
      I should be able to veer off on a tangent should I want to, but have something solid and grounded to return to.

      Anyway, I am rambling now.

      Have you resurrected your blog yet?

    2. I finally did a quick blog post. The guy I get steel bases from linked to it on his Facebook page so thought it would be good if it didn't look dead...

      Most of the buildings I have are the Conflix ones but I plan to repaint them and it might be nice to make them less generic and part of something. Or somewhere...


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