The Master Plan - And Where I Am At

I mentioned a few posts ago what my plan is ( LINK ) and can I stay true to it. My website HERE has some details around what the units at the garrison will be and there are some notes and background on the units I have completed. But for the ones yet to be done there is nothing as yet. So I figured I would show you what they will be. (Better pictures on my website or previous blog posts) Here is a shot of the models that will make up the Counts Garrison at Heiligsheld once complete: THE WHOLE GARRISON ARMBRUSTSCHUTZEN FLEGLERS (I am as yet undecided if these are followers or Morr, Taal, or Gadd.) HELBLITZEN ERZATSOLDER HOLZFALLER The garrison is to be made from old Citadel models only (including some re-done by Foundry) and as it is story and narrative based, no duplicate models either. (Incase you are wondering why the static grass on the bases does not match the tabletop, this is the grass mat I use for my 10mm WFB which does match), I could not be bothered to get my 25mm WFB tableto...