My Oldhammer Musings

WFRP 1st Edition and why I like it: WFRP was dark and grim, and a successful adventure was one where you did not catch some disease, and the reward was a dry bed to sleep in and some fresh bread. It was not about saving the world, it was not about rescuing the princess, it was about leaving your farm and saying goodbye to tedium and then wondering if you had made the right choice. It was exploration, questionable ethics, likeable villains, terrible villains, fallible heroes, it was wet and damp, it was a world of hidden foes and political machinations, it was foul and depressing, it was warm ale and mud, and it was glorious. If you got into too many fights and took proper damage from them, even if it did heal later, you could still get emotional damage. Phobias, ticks, all manner of psychosis. Honestly if done a certain way it was grim, but also doing it that way, the tiniest rays of light and hope could make your day. Starving, wet, cold, tired, feet aching from walking, b...