
Showing posts from March, 2025

My Oldhammer Musings

WFRP 1st Edition and why I like it: WFRP was dark and grim, and a successful adventure was one where you did not catch some disease, and the reward was a dry bed to sleep in and some fresh bread. It was not about saving the world, it was not about rescuing the princess, it was about leaving your farm and saying goodbye to tedium and then wondering if you had made the right choice. It was exploration, questionable ethics, likeable villains, terrible villains, fallible heroes, it was wet and damp, it was a world of hidden foes and political machinations, it was foul and depressing, it was warm ale and mud, and it was glorious. If you got into too many fights and took proper damage from them, even if it did heal later, you could still get emotional damage. Phobias, ticks, all manner of psychosis. Honestly if done a certain way it was grim, but also doing it that way, the tiniest rays of light and hope could make your day. Starving, wet, cold, tired, feet aching from walking, b...

The Master Plan – And Can I Stick To It?

Hopefully, as I am one of those gamers that can be pretty focused. I started 25mm WFB about 10 months ago and that is the only thing I have been doing during that time. Prior to that I was doing 10mm WFB and I did that exclusively for about 4 years, except for a brief foray in 25mm Mordheim. So I am pretty good at not getting distracted by other games/scales/periods etc… But what is the plan? I am creating the village of Heiligsheld, this is a small village in eastern Stirland somewhere near the Sylvanian border. The village is one of three that are looked after by Count Halven, a very brief overview is here: I have already purchased all the models I need for the Imperial garrison, they just need painting. The trickier bit is their enemies. I want the campaign/project to be about the village, not about army A vs army B, and as such there could and should (?) be a variety of enemies. I want to tell the story of the village a...

All About Me

I have just finished the Farmhouse which took a lot of my modelling energies for a while. LINK TO THAT So for now I will retreat into the games room and plan new things and maybe paint my elementalist for my Stirland forces. A couple of years ago we sold our house in Bristol as we needed a bigger house so that my wife's mom could come and live with us as she is very ill. Long story short, we are a lot worse off financially but her mom is better and we have a bigger house, big enough for a games room!! For reasons, we are unable to go out much, no meals, cinemas or the stuff that most people do so we are trying to make the games room have a certain vibe. Here are some images of where the magic happens...  :D On the ceiling is a flag that I got the sizing wrong on, so rather than bin it it goes there!! My growing 25mm scenery/terrain collection. 10mm and 25mm models for WFB 3rd edition. Some books and filums. The table gets pulled out for games and on the ceiling is a canvas that I s...

The Pertwee Farmhouse

  The farmhouse belonging to Johannes and Hansine Pertwee is the largest of the farms in Heiligsheld. The farmhouse used to belong to the Wechsler family, however several years ago on a particularly foreboding Geheimnisnacht’s eve the farmhouse was attacked by some mutated ones who wore the skins of wolves. As fate would have it, Johannes was staying with the family helping with the harvest in exchange for coin and lodging. Johannes being a former soldier was lucky enough to survive the terrible ordeal. Alas the 3 members of the Wechsler family were all killed in a terrible fire that consumed the barn in which they were hiding. Now the farmhouse is home to the Pertwee’s and Uli the Dwarf who is their hired helped. The farm is surrounded by fields of crops and grazing land for the sheep. Despite being from other parts and being new to the village, the locals have for the most part taken them in as their own, though a few whisper about the night of the werewolf attack and comment on ...